Your Business Motto Speaks for Itself

A catchy motto. That’s what you want. When folks can remember your motto, they are more likely to remember your product or service. Just like Charlie’s – the locals think of him when they hear “Round the Corner Ice Cream.”
The motto becomes an important symbol for your business. Customers have an accurate sense of what you stand for and the value of your business when they hear or read the slogan. Mottos remind employees the purpose of your business and their part in that. To get started, let’s take a look at the elements of a memorable motto.
Easy to Remember
These short and catchy phrases are meant to link the consumer with the product or service. Let’s see how well they work. “Reach out and touch someone.” “Think different.” “Where’s the beef?” Remember any of those? AT&T, Apple, and Wendy’s stake their claim on these short but memorable phrases.
Your motto should stand alone from your logo. Sure, Charlie has included an example of one of the double-scoop cones they serve, but the “round the corner” reference doesn’t need the graphic to seep into your memory. Make your motto catchy. Something creative that will make people remember your business. Keep it simple.
Something in Particular
Think of what makes your company different from others. For instance, maybe your products are unique. Do you have an element or ingredient that makes your products stand out from the rest? Consider focusing on that when designing your motto.
Or, perhaps your uniqueness focuses on your service. For example, do you promise on-time delivery? Maybe you have the lowest prices in town? Perhaps your yard service includes tree top trimming. Your motto should focus on what is unique about the service you offer. In other words, showcase a specific value you offer your customers. Brag a little. Build your motto around that.
It Must Be True
Sure, we can all claim our fame, but it’s not authentic unless we can prove it. The same goes for your business. Best not promise something your product or service cannot deliver. That is to say, it’s essential that no one can quibble with the marketing slogan.
Many start their day with a hot cup of java. Maxwell House coffee. Their claim? That a cup of their coffee is “good to the last drop.” That would be an important detail for coffee drinkers. Their motto makes a promise. Many loyal customers are proof that it’s true.
Our Motto, For Example
So let’s take a look at our motto: Grow Your Sales with Online Sales Pro. This succinct statement says it all. The mission of this software? To grow your sales. The rest of the motto tells you the name of our product. Online Sales Pro (OSP) is a lead generation, marketing automation, and direct selling software tool. That describes how it’s done, but the motto tells potential and current customers why the tool is essential. To grow your sales.
Successful digital marketing depends on communication with your leads and your customers. Someone signs up to learn more? An immediate response is essential. As for you? OSP will send you a push notification to let you know that someone new has signed up. Thanks to that nudge, you will know that you’ve got a new lead. The rest is up to you or your team to contact this potential customer to tell this person more.
So, that’s how Online Sales Pro helps to grow your sales. Use this web and mobile app to make our motto come true for you. Let OSP create leads for your business, so you can grow your sales.
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from Online Sales Pro