Building a Team to Build a Business

Proof of building a team at its finest: air show with a six-jet team with two trailing smoke

Building a team to build a business.  This company knows about this. Not only that, but they’ve written a book to tell the rest of us how.

37 Signals, a remote software company, focuses on problems.  Not on their problems, but on the ones of their clients. Once they have those on the radar, they build products to help businesses remove friction and solve problems.

Initially a web design company, 37 Signals, the creator of Basecamp, switched gears to develop web applications. Let’s take a closer look at lessons learned from their recent book, Shape Up:  Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work That Matters.  Even though the book is geared for product development teams, any team can learn from what they’ve learned at Basecamp.

Say No

That seems odd, doesn’t it?  Actually this tactic is a way to stay focused.  Too often businesses will get off track by flirting with a new project.  If it seems as though there might be a fit, put it on the table and have folks take a look at it.

After the details have been examined, a decision is made.  If it’s NO, then that still may keep a project in the queue.  The time is just not right for now. However, if it’s YES, then the team is stuck.  Saying YES takes away your freedom in the future and you’ll have to work on it.

Regardless, building a team works when projects have a time limit.

Complete Projects in Six Weeks

Could it be?  Don’t most projects take longer than six weeks?  Not if you look at a portion of it.

That’s what works.  Your focus? The deliverables that can be completed in six weeks.  Most people can do anything for six weeks. They don’t lose momentum.  They don’t lose their vision. And if things don’t work out on that project and it comes to a standstill?  Not much time has been lost. It’s only six weeks.

Regardless, building a team works when everyone focuses on the finish line.

Cool Down In-Between

The world has sped up.  Everyone seems to be charging through their days at such a frenetic pace.  Long hours lead to long days. People become spent and then overspent. You can shape up the team by having a cool-down period in-between projects.

The project is done and behind you.  It’ll soon be time to take on a new one.  In-between, though, the team takes a break.  Perhaps they’ll compile a list of lessons learned from the project recently completed.  Or maybe they’ll do some research to discover more that can be done.

Regardless, building a team works when there’s time to chill between projects.

Stay on Track

Once a team moves toward the finish line, they may be lured away from the main path.  Perhaps this would be a nice feature to add. Or maybe we should backtrack and try this instead.

Nope.  This focused refresh recharges a team’s battery before they move on to the next project.  Those on the team need to sort out the must-haves from the nice-to-haves.  That way they’ll stay on track and meet the deadlines.

Regardless, building a team works when everyone focuses on the finish line.

Build Your Business

Think about what your team does and how you can build your business by shaping up.  Perhaps one of these lessons learned is the boost you need.

Do you and your team say yes too often?  Or do you find that the team works on projects way too long so that they go on and on and on? Might you all rush from one project to another with no break?

Focusing on one of these lessons may help to shape up your processes and maintain your business standards.

There’s another way to shape up your business and build your subscriber base and your sales. Online Sales Pro is a powerful software platform which includes both a web and mobile app.  Because of that, you can actually monitor your sales campaigns from your phone!

By building your team, you can build your business.  Stop running around in circles and focus on what matters.  How? By generating leads and growing your email list with Online Sales Pro,  Focus on lessons learned and zoom right past those in the slow lane.

The post Building a Team to Build a Business appeared first on Online Sales Pro.

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