Creating Landing Pages like the Experts

Man jumping up on a stand of two longs

The best way to create landing pages that encourage traffic is to examine those out there crafted by experts.  Just like a first impression when you are meeting someone face-to-face, you want your landing page to make potential customers react in a way that brings you business.  By studying the elements of the top landing pages this year – those posted by companies like Uber, PayPal, Alexa, Microsoft, IBM, and more – you can get some ideas of how to make your landing page even more successful.  An analysis of these sites has encouraged feedback in the field, so let’s take a look at what we can learn from the positive attributes of these landing pages:


People are looking for a reason – a reason to sign up, a reason to purchase, a reason to change.  Your headline needs to get the attention of the folks out there who might want your service or product.  Those words should focus on the true benefit of what you offer. Let them know the value of what your service or product will give them.  Often a headline is expanded with a sub-line. Take a look at the landing page meant to attract people to work for Uber:

The words are simple, but meaningful – letting potential contractors know that they can earn money on their own schedule.  

Short Form

You need information from potential customers.  The form you create to capture those details needs to be welcoming.  If it’s long and asks for too much information, those folks may not even bother filling it out.  Take a look at this one by PayPal to build their contacts list by offering a free ebook:

The form only asks for their first and last names, their email address, their website URL, and the name of their company.  Those who complete this simple form get a free book and PayPal has added more contact information to their current list.

Call to Action Button

You want those intrigued by your landing page to do something.  It may seem like a simple thing, not even worth considering, but your call to action button can make a difference.  Look at this example where the button color Alexa uses draws attention to the offer. The orange button with the words “TRY 7 DAYS FREE” entices potential customers to check out the service with no initial investment.  They also see the value of this offer by the monthly fee displayed right next to the button. With quick math, they see that this deal is worth nearly $40 – and with no strings attached.


We have become more visual in nature, thanks to the Internet.  If we are going to purchase something, we want our online experience to be similar to one that is face-to-face.  Your customers will want to see what they will get. Show them a picture of the free document that they will receive or a shot of someone using your product or the results of what might happen when they take advantage of your service.  Take a look at Microsoft’s landing page that promotes security from cyber attacks. The global map with the added triangles with red exclamation points tells the potential customer right away what the service provides.


The body of your landing page must include just the right amount of text – not too much and not too little.  One way to display it that works well is to chunk it so that there’s not a formidable wall of text to greet the viewer.  Often a bulleted list will make it easier for a potential customer to see the benefits of what you are offering. That’s what you want your focus to be:  how will all of this benefit these folks? Take a look at how IBM worked these tips into their landing page:

Borrow as many ideas as you can about landing pages by viewing those created by the big players in the marketing field.  Focus on five factors for success: Headline, Short Form, Call to Action Button, Image, and Copy. Want to learn more? Get started with Online Sales Pro today and look for this marketing guide:  Email Marketing Secrets, and read chapters 3 and 4.  A well-crafted landing page can certainly boost your sales!

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